
Friday, January 27, 2012

Morning, Noon and Night Sickness

Since finding out I am pregnant, I have experienced so many wonderful things. The joys of planning nurseries and looking at baby clothes, thinking of all the wonderful moments I will experience and have my own family. I have heard women say they enjoyed being pregnant and how wonderful it is, so I assumed it was all pregnancy tests, cravings, maternity clothes and showers. I knew some "morning sickness" might come around, but I just assumed it was no big deal. I was wrong!!

The one thing I can say I have not enjoyed is being sick, very sick, morning, noon and night. The term "morning sickness" is so misleading because I was under the assumption I would have some nausea and light vomiting in the morning. Throw up once, be done and get on with my day. That it was this cute, right-of-way during pregnancy that reassured a woman that she indeed is pregnant. You see movies and Lifetime tv shows where the women wake up, run to the bathroom, throw up once, gently wipe their face with the back of their hand and then they're done. Nothing that would be horrendous and disgusting and last all day and night for weeks.

I was very mistaken in my impression of "morning sickness." It is horrible and awful and for a few several times each day, I thought I was dying. During weeks 6 and 7, I woke up at 4am nauseous and praying to God that if He would just help me make it through this without throwing up, I would be so good. I also had these moments around 1pm and then again around 10pm. Despite my efforts to bargain and beg with God, I usually ended up bent over the toilet crying like a baby. I made it to work everyday, usually a few minutes late, but I was there to greet the kids.

I'm hoping this phase passes sooner rather than later. I know that this will be like a hangover and I'll swear to never do this again but when I see that baby for the first time, hold it in my arms and breathe in that distinct baby smell of chamomile and vanilla, these past few weeks will have been a distance memory that wasn't so bad and I'll want to do it all over again.

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